iPad sales performance reveal

Analysts and Techies are predicting the sales performance of the iPad. Estimates are based on the past performance of other Apple devices. The iPad was designed to surf the web, read e-books and news papers.

Apple opens the pre-order last week. It reach 91,000 pre-order after 6-hours.

A Gartner research analys bets that Apple's device iPad will boost sales in a big way. "The iPad isn't a tablet in the traditional sense," said Gartner analyst George Shiffler. "It's a rethink of the whole tablet concept."

What Shiffler called traditional tablets -- such as those used in medical, sales and delivery applications -- will account for just 2.5 million of the 10.5 million tablet total for the year. "Tablets have languished. They found a niche in certain areas, but they have really never taken off," noted Shiffler.

Here are some of the sales performance of notable devices from 2001 - 2009. In which Analysts and Techies based their insights.

Apple iPod was launched November 2001 and it took 91 weeks to sell one million.

T-mobile G1 was launched October 2008 and it took 23 weeks to sell one million.

HTC Magic launched April 2009. 15 weeks to reach one million sales.

Apple iPhone launched June 2007 and it took 11 weeks to reach one million sales.

Apple iPhone 3GS launched June 2009 and it reach one million sales in 3 Days.

From the trend above, analysts believes that the iPad will reach a sales in big way.

Brian Marshall, a financial analyst with BroadPoint AmTech, said today that his conservative estimate for this earnings model is just 2.2 million iPads for the calendar year."But I think Apple will actually sell about 7 million for the year," he said today.

In a consumers stand point, I think and I believe that iPad will surely hits a million sales this year. Apple remains a big contributors and trend setters of this decade.

source: computerworld.com

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